Sunday 22 August 2010

Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend

This is purely to keep me and my perfectionist brain happy. In the profile I began to say what are my favourite films...if you have read my profile, who ever you might realise that I am very indecisive. So here is my list of the greatest films ever, not in any particular order just what has popped into my head first. (Not including already mentioned films in my profile.)

Seven Brides for Seven Brothers,
Most Zombie films as long as they aren't cheesy 80's flicks (yes I'm talking to you The Return to the Living Dead)
Moulin Rouge
Atonement (which I have only been able to watch once because I'm not sure whether anything even another viewing of this great film will bring THAT kind of emotion to me again)
Any Disney Film (I am a child at heart)
American Psycho, he reminds of alot of my ex's
Enduring Love
Brief Encounter
Black Narcissus
Kill Bill 1&2
Jerry Maguire
Pretty Woman (again really anything with Julia Roberts in, especially when she's acting opposite Richard Gere)
Phantom of the Opera
City of God
Dirty Dancing (not the second, can never understand the reasoning behind making thousands of sequels and again I'm talking to you Friday the 13th)
Little Miss Sunshine
The Dark Knight (I am in love with Heath Ledger which is a bit scary since he is dead but hey I am strange)
Withnail and I
An Education
Any Monty Python film,
The Goonies
Four Weddings and a Funeral,
Hot Fuzz
The Breakfast Club,
Pretty in Pink,
Fatal Attraction,
Save the Last Dance,
The Green Mile...I'd turn back now if your not ready for a lot more...

In a quick change of pace my favourite quote ever has to be "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn," or "You know how to whistle don't you. You just put your lips together and blow,"

Back to the list, we have some way to go yet folks...

The Truman Show
Pride and Prejudice, Keira Knightley version
The Hole,
The Illusionist,
Interview with an Vampire,
The Maltese Falcon
The Virgin Suicides,
No Country for Old Men
It's a Wonderful Life (who actually goes a Christmas without watching this film?)
Brokeback Mountain,
Double Indemnity,
The King and I,
American Beauty (Actually a bit afraid at how long it took me to write this down)
When Harry Met Sally
Stand By Me
Lord of the Rings Trilogy, (The books are better though)
Donnie Darko
Gone with the Wind
Anything with Marilyn Monroe,
Fight Club,
The Shawshank Redemption,

Favourite Actress: Julia Roberts or Julie Andrews
Favourite Actor: Hugh Jackman or Morgan Freeman
Favourite Director: Quentin Tarrantino (including True Romance)

I think I might end the list here but so, so, so many more can be put in this list but for all you fascinating readers :-P I will leave it here.

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